Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Secret (MUST WATCH)


This film is life changing. That is all that needs to be said. If you don't know what the secret is then you need to figure it out by watching this film. My boyfriend had told me to see it since I wasn't in a good mood. So I went onto Netflix and decided to watch "The Secret" 1hr &31mins later ...I have found the answer to life!
MUST WATCH...available online & Netflix
This will CHANGE YOUR LIFE~ if you apply it to your life!

Liz & Dick

drama, romance

This epic love story is well acted and highly on point with the true story. I love how the film was presented with a documentary and life scenes. Lindsay Lohan was amazing at this part. Probably my most favorite film from her collection. The hair & makeup was on point and the relationship from the couple acting was so surreal. I loved all the diamonds brought in to the set & the lavish life style that they tried to upkeep. Also the undying love story between the two of them. This was overall a very well-acted, well-established, and very beautiful scenes.
A must-see film of hollywood epic couple!

The mortal Instruments

Action, Romance, Drama

This film was very capturing, however, did have parts that left you uncertain of what that part had to do with anything else. There were moments of good acting with attitude and drama. Overall the film captured the vampire, slayers,wolfs, demons, monster world quit well with some amazing effects. The fight scenes weren't terribly bad, but could use some less effects and more real life. Hair & makeup were done very well for all the characters. The buildings were fabulous and artwork was placed well throughout. The overall store plot was twisting and capturing but could have used a better ending. It left you thinking well... So that I didn't care for. Also, some of the movie was hard to follow, so pay close attention! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Shawshank Redemption

Drama/ True Story
This film is powerful and not for the faint of heart. The reality of prison is not something anyone really wants to know, however most feel like the people who are there are usually guilty and plead not guilty, however this film is based on an INNOCENT man, who does the time for another man. There was no way out for him because he knew all the financial books for the prison. This film displays the hardworking, reality, and struggle of an innocent man stuck in a nightmare. The only remarkable thing is that he had HOPE through out it all. He given gave hope to others to continue the fight and stay strong in themselves. He was selfless yet he got the rotten end of the stick. This film inspires me even to remember that planning for the future and looking for a brighter tomorrow is not a bad idea. However to live each day with the notion that it oculd be your last, however you aren't dead yet so keep going!


This is one of the most popular romantic films out there for the 21st century. It has everything in the film to portray a "TRUE LOVE" like; fights, make ups, sex, dedication, commitment, letters, communication, hope, staying together through all odds and never giving up. Feelings are what keep them attached because the feelings ran deeper than surface level. I gave it an A and not an A+ only because Nicholas Sparks continued to make even better love stories after this film came out.  Its considered a "STAPLE" piece for ever romantic person & for your movie collection.

Love & Honor

This film was a perfect war love story. The film takes place in the Vietnam era when it wasn't the popular thing to be a solider. The love plot is strong and bears all others. However there is always a twist, but it is predictable so thats why it wasn't all that fascinating. The acting wasn't all that great either, but the actual story is sweet. It shows the reality of war from the views of people in the USA compared to the reality of Vietnam. 

200 Pounds Beauty


This was an unusal film that popped up on NETFLIX while hanging out with my boyfriend. It was rated a 4/5 star film. This film had a plot that wasn't expected. This is a drama/romance film. This film portrays an overweight singer who's the voice for another singer. She isn't considered beautiful in the eye of media, but the head producer found something about her that was fascinating. The story takes an interesting course, because once you think you know what is about to come then it changes which keeps you guess. The actors played there role well, there was some struggle in the beginning with lack of skills in the actors. Then as it went along the story and actors get better. This film is a great weightloss film and shows you how the media has such an effect on our lives.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Red 2"-review

This Film was packed with action, spice, drama, and violence. The two most favorite parts were when Bruce Willis & Catherine Zeta-Jones did there famous slide into the vehicle and continue to drive!-this was smooth and filming crew did well to not show any flaws while the transitions were happening. Next favorite was with Helen Mirren & Lee Byung-hun were driving in the car together near the end of the film and just the empowerment of Helen's female role is outstanding. I will say the film is a great action film and if you have never seen RED then you should be able to follow along well. Mary-Louise Parker played a good actoress ( even though she was frustrating me with her lack of knowledge about how serious Bruce Willis job was). I felt like I could relate to her best because she's more of a normal average person and her role could have been played by anyone-making her more relatable. Anthony Hopkins is a Wonderful actor in this film. I could not figure out if he was serious, crazy, or kidding. Great acting on his part!
This is a good summer ACTION movie that has a spice of drama, humor, & thrill.