Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Shawshank Redemption

Drama/ True Story
This film is powerful and not for the faint of heart. The reality of prison is not something anyone really wants to know, however most feel like the people who are there are usually guilty and plead not guilty, however this film is based on an INNOCENT man, who does the time for another man. There was no way out for him because he knew all the financial books for the prison. This film displays the hardworking, reality, and struggle of an innocent man stuck in a nightmare. The only remarkable thing is that he had HOPE through out it all. He given gave hope to others to continue the fight and stay strong in themselves. He was selfless yet he got the rotten end of the stick. This film inspires me even to remember that planning for the future and looking for a brighter tomorrow is not a bad idea. However to live each day with the notion that it oculd be your last, however you aren't dead yet so keep going!

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